Saturday, October 03, 2009


Jen ran the Top of Utah Marathon in Logan a couple weekends ago. I'm not a good blogger or the picture of us dropping her off at 4ish in the morning to be bussed to who knows where would have been at the top. Jen's aunt, who helped her train for the marathon came clear from Pocatello with us to support her. And her cousin let us stay with her. I really like Logan and the surrounding area. It's just a nice place.
In this trip it was a nice place for thousands of people to self-torture themselves. Honestly, I do not know what makes people think that running 26 miles is a good idea. But busses of these crazies were leaving early in the morning for the event.
Jen did great. She ran the marathon in 4 hours and 15 minutes. She was under a ten minute mile for the whole thing. I'm very proud of her.

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